Thursday, December 15, 2011

Most Adults own a Smartphone

Most Adults Under 35 Own a Smartphone
The growth of smartphone adoption and associated mobile technologies has been staggering. As of the end of 2011, the majority of U.S. adults under the age of 35 now own a smartphone. Sixty-two percent of them have downloaded apps (mostly games), and mobile Web usage among these consumers has grown 45% since last year.

These are just a few of the stats in Nielsen's latest report on the state of mobile media and consumer behavior. Much of the data won't shock anyone. Teens text more than the rest of us, everyone is glued to Facebook, Android is the top smartphone OS and Apple is the top manufacturer.


Video is huge among smartphone owners, who watched about 35% more video content on their devices than they did last year. From the looks of Nielsen's list of top apps, most of that video is coming from YouTube.