This LEGO Star Wars M.C. Escher diorama defines awesome
Here's an impressive Star Wars sculpture that gives that insanely detailed organ a run for its money. Check out Paul Vermeesch's take on M.C. Escher's "Relativity" made out of Star Wars LEGO bricks. This project includes the Emperor at the center of the scene (for thematic purposes), Luke's runaway hand, and a slot to slide in an iPod touch (for metatextual reasons). Here's Vermeesch's description of this light-up scene:
Ladies Learning Code Team Aims to Fix Programmer Education - One City at a TimeAs to the need of a private alternative to the university system, Payne points to a survey finding high demand for software developers from startups. A paper presented at the European Conference on Information Systems in 2009 confirms the need for information technology workers, even in a down economy.
Still, a 2008 study found that enrollment in university computer science programs in all but one Canadian region was actually down between 36% and 64% from its peak in 2002.
Computer science education has its issues in the U.S., as well. The University of Florida planned to cut its computer science department, and though the most drastic version of that plan has since been withdrawn, students and faculty are still fight to save the department.
Regardless of what you think of the merits of universal code literacy, HackerYou and similar programs in other cities - such as Code Academy in Chicago, General Assembly in New York City and Dev Bootcamp in San Francisco - have an opportunity to help close the talent gap.
A talent gap - and a gender gap
But Payne thinks HackerYou also has an advantage in being able to close the gender gap.
Why London's Police Just Set a Horrifying Precedent on Mobile PrivacyLondon's Metropolitan Police recently started using machines that allow law enforcement to tap into any mobile device and download call registers, photographs, videos, SMS, email and even social networking data in under 20 minutes. Even more shocking, the information they collect will remain in the police's possession long after the suspect is released, even if no charges are filed.
The United Nations Could Seize the Internet, U.S. Officials WarnSeveral emerging countries are rallying behind a campaign to have the International Telecommunications Union, the U.N.'s global standards body for telecommunications, declare the Internet a global telecommunications system, U.S. officials testified on Thursday before the House Subcommittee on Communications and Technology. Led by China, Russia, India and now Egypt, which recently launched its own proposal, such a move would allow national telephone networks to expand into VoIP. It would also give them the opportunity to charge fees for Internet service - and put the Internet at the mercy of international politics.