Thursday, September 13, 2018

Windows 10 test 'warns' users against installing Chrome or Firefox

Windows 10 test 'warns' users against installing Chrome or Firefox
Apple just killed the iPhone's headphone jack for good
How to Create a Leaf-Covered Text Effect Action in Adobe Photoshop
Lego built a driveable Bugatti Chiron out of blocks, and it’s amazing

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Facebook's 'Rosetta' AI can extract text from a billion images daily

Facebook's 'Rosetta' AI can extract text from a billion images daily
The Ocean Cleanup Technology, Explained
How to Set Up a Virtual Machine for Free
Crispr’s Epic Patent Fight Changed the Course of Biology
British Airways hackers used same tools behind Ticketmaster breach

Monday, September 10, 2018

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Google launches new search engine to help scientists find the datasets they need

Google launches new search engine to help scientists find the datasets they need
No need to code your webpage yourself, says Microsoft – draw it and our AI will do the rest