Friday, July 27, 2018

NSA leader creates task force to fight Russian cyberattacks

NSA leader creates task force to fight Russian cyberattacks
High-Skilled White-Collar Work? Machines Can Do That, Too
This AI Just Beat Human Doctors On A Clinical Exam
Schools Can Now Get Facial Recognition Tech for Free. Should They?
Facebook's outgoing security chief sent a damning company-wide memo
How To Improve Test Coverage For Your Android App Using Mockito And Espresso
Editing PDFs and Nine Other Microsoft Word Tutorials
How to Create a Space Travel Infographic in Adobe InDesign
Amazon records another huge quarter thanks to Alexa and the cloud
Lawmakers Can't Ignore Facial Recognition's Bias Anymore

Thursday, July 26, 2018

How AI is making it easier to diagnose disease

How AI is making it easier to diagnose disease
Russian hackers are inside US utility networks
How to Create Hair and Fur Textures in Photoshop Using the Kyle T Webster Brush Sets
How to Create an Abstract, Sci-Fi Portrait in Adobe Photoshop
Sony unveils world's first 48-megapixel smartphone sensor

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

How to Create a Vintage Soviet Space Travel Poster in Adobe InDesign

How to Create a Vintage Soviet Space Travel Poster in Adobe InDesign
Mandatory keys cut successful phishing attacks on Google to zero
Google Docs uses AI to catch your grammar mistakes