Saturday, December 18, 2010

Google Body Browser

The Future Home: Greening it up

This post is an excerpt from Living Rooms - A Home for the Future - Interactive Feature -
A Home for the Future
Virginia Tech’s Lumenhaus, a solar-powered home that won the 2010 Solar Decathlon Europe, provides a glimpse into future living. Take a tour through the home and listen to Joe Wheeler, one of three primary faculty members who worked on the project with more than 200 students, explain the home’s features and how it may change the way we live and use energy.

Science, Math & Football

This post is an excerpt from Welcome to NBC Learn- Science of the NFL.
NBC Learn produces original educational video for the classroom and beyond.

See all of our original videos in NBC News Archives on Demand

Friday, December 17, 2010

Free Fonts

This post is an excerpt from 25 New Free High-Quality Fonts - Smashing Magazine.
Every now and then we look around, select fresh free high-quality fonts and present them to you in a brief overview. The choice is enormous, so the time you need to find them is usually time you should be investing in your projects. We search for them and find them so that you don’t have to.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Skype in the classroom

This post is an excerpt from Skype Education.
Skype in the classroom (beta)

A free directory that connects teachers and helps them
use Skype to enrich students' educational experience.

Data: Making it relevent

This post is an excerpt from New Visualization Tool from Google With Data From 5.2 Million Digitized Books.
Take the word "farking" that I used above. Usage of the word has risen and fallen over the years, skyrocketing not surprisingly once it became the curse-du-jour in the reprised Battlestar Galactica series. If that's too pedestrian, compare the changing usage for spaceship, spacecraft, rocket, and UFO. Or the frequency of communism, anarchism, socialism, and capitalism over the course of the twentieth century. Or the decline of man.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

This is a Computer.

This post is an excerpt from This is a Computer.
Everyone knows what a computer is. It's. Well. You. Come on. Let's see. OK. An iPad. That's a computer. And. So, there's laptops. You get the idea. Electricity! That's it. Definitely. And plastic.

But before electricity and before plastic humans still had the drive to create devices to help them think, to do some of the heavy lifting. It's a very old impulse. So we rummaged around a bit and found a few of the tools without whose development, your most sophisticated tool for thinking would be your own fingers.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Top 10 Cloud Applications of 2010

This post is an excerpt from Top 10 Cloud Computing Services for 2010 - ReadWriteCloud.
We chose our top 10 services based upon what trends bubbled in 2010 and the companies and organizations that responded or even set the tone for the overall market.

We looked at the entire landscape but with a particular focus on platforms.

Platforms provide infrastructure and serve as developer ecosystems. Platforms are where apps are created and served.

Ascent - Commemorating Shuttle

Fonts: Choosing the right one

This post is an excerpt from “What Font Should I Use?”: Five Principles for Choosing and Using Typefaces - Smashing Magazine.
For many beginners, the task of picking fonts is a mystifying process. There seem to be endless choices — from normal, conventional-looking fonts to novelty candy cane fonts and bunny fonts — with no way of understanding the options, only never-ending lists of categories and recommendations. Selecting the right typeface is a mixture of firm rules and loose intuition, and takes years of experience to develop a feeling for. Here are five guidelines for picking and using fonts that I’ve developed in the course of using and teaching typography.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Superbook for Educators: Getting started with Technology