Monday, November 12, 2012

Realistic Rip: Photoshop


MS: A translator that uses my own voice

SIII outsells Iphone4S

When it comes to smartphone shipments, Samsung and the rest of the Android Empire have controlled an ever-growing slice of the market since the middle of 2011. In early 2012, Samsung overtook Nokia as the No. 1 smartphone maker in the world. Yet no single Samsung device ever outsold a single Apple device, until now. 


Self-healing Polymers?

Self-healing surfaces are theoretically the perfect solutions to easily worn-out gadgets, but our dreams come crashing down as soon as deliberate contact is involved; as existing materials don't conduct electricity, they can't be used in capacitive touchscreens and other very logical places. If Stanford University's research into a new plastic polymer bears fruit, though, our scratched-up phones and tablets are more likely to become distant memories. The material can heal within minutes of cuts through fast-forming hydrogen bonds, rivaling some of its peers, but also includes nanoscopic nickel particles that keep a current flowing and even respond to flexing or pressure.